The purpose of The Sarah Project is to research, develop and introduce technologies for energy conservation and sustainability within the Hawaiian Islands. Their ultimate goal coincides with the non-profit sister organization,
The Sarah Dome Project, which is working towards the development of a fully self-sustainable community with conservation and homeless rehabilitation as motivations. The Sarah Dome Project seeks to lead the world into the future with durable, affordable, eco-friendly and self-sustaining housing that produces its own energy and leaves no carbon footprint.

The Sarah Dome Project utilizes the superadobe model for residential construction. Superadobe is a form of adobe (earthen) construction that uses long snake-like sand bags and wire in buildings with arches and domes, for strong and attractive results. Superadobe construction is a development based on the principles of traditional adobe construction with a few adjustments made to further stabilize the system. Whereas some traditional adobe construction boasts structures standing for over 500 years, traditional adobe is vulnerable to damage by earthquakes. Superadobe, on the other hand, is intended to be earthquake-resistant. Another benefit of Superadobe construction - which can be said of many natural building techniques - is that renovation is simply a matter of mixing more Superadobe and applying it to the existing structure. Maintenance is therefore easily achieved as structures can be continually improved upon. (Apropedia-

The Sarah Dome Project is headed by
Rex Shafer. Sarah is his daughter and the project is named after her. The Sarah Project operates under the Hawaiian Reforestation Program Foundation Inc., a 501(c)3 charitable organization. The Sarah Project needs donations to hire experts and purchase the land from Hawaii county. Christopher J. Wong is president of The Sarah Project. 808-854-0490
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