EPA's published the proposed transport rule today and has scheduled three public hearings on the proposed rule to curb interstate transport of power plant emissions from 31 Midwestern and Eastern states and the District of Columbia.
The first hearing will be Thursday, August 19, at the Wyndham in Chicago.
The next hearing will be held Thursday, August 26, at the Radisson Plaza—Warwick Hotel in Philadelphia.
The final hearing will be held Wednesday, September 1st at the Renaissance Downtown in Atlanta.
The transport rule, which would replace EPA's Clean Air Interstate Rule and aims to curb emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from fossil fuel-fired power plants beginning in 2012, with a second round of emissions reductions required in 2014. The rule is intended to help downwind states achieve EPA's national ambient air quality standards for ozone and fine particles. The rule would allow intrastate trading of emissions allowances but only limited interstate trading on a regional basis. The proposal replaces the CAIR rule, a regional emissions trading program for that pollutant that had been struck down in 2008. (
Frank Maisano)
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