During the trip, she will be briefed by EPA and Coast Guard officials on the latest response updates and monitoring data, and oversee beach clean up efforts in the region. The administrator will also meet with EPA scientists in Gulf Breeze, Fla., for a briefing on ongoing dispersant testing. Administrator Jackson and EPA continue to work closely with National Incident Commander Admiral Thad Allen, who is leading the administration-wide response and directing all interagency activities.
For more information on EPA’s efforts in the gulf and for the latest air, water, sediment and underwater dispersant monitoring data.
10:00 a.m. CENTRAL Briefing with Local Officials
1:00 p.m. CENTRAL Town Hall Meeting: “Expanding the Environmental Conversation” Ernest N. Morial Convention Center 900 Convention Center Blvd New Orleans, La.
3:00 p.m. CENTRAL Meeting with Environmental Groups
10:30 a.m. CENTRAL Tour of EPA’s Gulf Breeze Lab and Pensacola Beach Operations Lab Gulf Breeze and Pensacola, Florida.
1:15 p.m. CENTRAL Stakeholder Meeting Gulf Breeze, Florida.
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