Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project

Formerly Antelope Valley
Southern California Edison’s Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project (TRTP) is the first major transmission project in California being constructed specifically to access multiple renewable generators in a remote renewable-rich resource area. Segments 4 to 11 include new and upgraded electric transmission lines and substations between eastern Kern County and San Bernardino County.

A series of new and upgraded transmission facilities equaling 250 miles (spanning an area of approximately 173 miles) is being built to deliver electricity from renewable wind energy generators in Kern County south through Los Angeles County and east to the existing Mira Loma Substation in Ontario, San Bernardino County.

California’s demand for electricity continues to grow. So too does its demand for electricity produced
by renewable power sources such as wind. The Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project, which would interconnect renewable wind energy to the existing electric system, would help meet an important state requirement concerning renewable resources. State law requires that at least 33 percent of the electricity SCE delivers to customers be produced by renewable sources by 2020. New and modified transmission facilities are needed to help the state meet that target. TRTP can help meet these targets.
Currently, energy developers are planning new “wind farms” in an area of Kern County referred to as the “Tehachapi Wind Resource Area” that would help meet the demand for more renewable power. Although SCE does not have an ownership interest in any of the proposed wind farms, SCE is required to construct extensions of its transmission system to these proposed wind farms so that wind power can be delivered into the state’s energy grid.

In order to increase its ability to deliver this renewable wind energy to customers, SCE must upgrade its transmission lines and substations south of the Tehachapi Wind Resource Area by constructing the TRTP. These upgrades are also necessary to serve Southern California’s overall growing demand for electricity. (Southern California Edison, IQRA Associates)

Read the CPUC Project Approval
Read the Project EIR (Environmental Impact Report)

Current Project Activities

TRTP Segments 1-3
TRTP Segments 4-11

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