Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Center for Sustainable Shale Development

The Center for Sustainable Shale Development (CSSD), spearheaded by the Heinz Endowments, is a coalition of industry and environmental and philanthropic groups offering a voluntary certification process to make hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, less damaging to the environment and less risky to human health.

Based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the Center for Sustainable Shale Development (CSSD) is an independent organization whose mission is to support continuous improvement and innovative practices through performance standards and third-party certification. Focused on shale development in the Appalachian Basin, the Center provides a forum for a diverse group of stakeholders to share expertise with the common objective of developing solutions and serving as the center of excellence for shale gas development.

The result of this unique collaboration: the development of rigorous performance standards for sustainable shale development and a commitment to continuous improvement to ensure safe and environmentally responsible development of our abundant shale resources. CSSD will offer an independent, third-party evaluation process to certify companies that achieve and maintain these standards.

Funded by philanthropic foundations and participating energy companies, CSSD is intended to promote collaborative efforts by industry and its stakeholders called for by the Shale Gas Production Subcommittee of the U.S. Secretary of Energy’s Advisory Board.

Board of Directors
  • Armond Cohen, Executive Director, Clean Air Task Force
  • Jared Cohon, President, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Nicholas J. DeIuliis, President, CONSOL Energy
  • Paul Goodfellow, Vice President, U.S. Unconventionals, Shell
  • Paul King, President, Pennsylvania Environmental Council
  • Fred Krupp, Executive Director, Environmental Defense Fund
  • Jane C.S. Long, formerly with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • Bruce Niemeyer, President, Chevron Appalachia
  • Paul O’Neill, former Secretary of the Treasury Department and retired Chairman and CEO, Alcoa
  • David Porges, President and CEO, EQT
  • Robert Vagt, President, The Heinz Endowments (Chair)
  • Christine Todd Whitman, President, The Whitman Strategy Group; former Governor of New Jersey and Administrator of the EPA
Corporate Officers:
  • Andrew Place, President
  • Daniel Clearfield, Secretary and Treasurer
Center for Sustainable Shale Development (CSSD)
625 Liberty Avenue | Suite 395
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Andrew Place – Interim Director | andrew.place@sustainableshale.org
Faye Miller – Assistant to the Director | faye.miller@sustainableshale.org

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