Wednesday, December 05, 2012

DC Stormwater Proposed Rule Public Comments

The District Department of the Environment (DDOE) has posted to its website the public comments it received on the Proposed Rulemaking on Stormwater Management and Soil Erosion and Sediment Control and the Draft Stormwater Management Guidebook. DDOE is currently reviewing these comments and incorporating changes to the Proposed Rule and Draft Guidebook as appropriate. 
DDOE plans to release a revised Rule and Guidebook in spring of 2013 for a second, 30-day round of public comment. When DDOE posts the revised Rule and Guidebook, it will also post a Comment Response Document for the comments it received on the initial Proposed Rule and a similar document for comments received on the Draft Guidebook. 
To view the comments on the Proposed Rule.
To view the comments on the Draft Guidebook.
To access the Proposed Rule, Draft Guidebook, presentations from training sessions, responses to clarifying questions, and related information, please visit

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