Wednesday, December 05, 2012

California Cap & Trade Program Nov Allowance Auction

As part of the cap-and-trade program, the Air Resources Board (ARB) held its first auction of greenhouse gas allowances (GHG) on November 14, 2012.  The auction included a Current Auction of 2013 vintage allowances and Advance Auction of 2015 vintage allowances.  The California Air Resources Board will make available additional Auction 1 summary statistics. The report will be published on the ARB website at 10:00 am Pacific Time on Thursday, December 6, 2012.

The notice will be posted on ARB’s website. If you have any questions on the auction results, please contact the ARB Public Information Office at (916) 322-2990.

Information on the California Cap-and-Trade Program.

The auction auctions and reserve sales are to allow market participants to acquire allowances directly from ARB.  ARB plans to conduct the first quarterly reserve sale on March 8, 2013. Auction participants will have to apply to participate in an auction, or submit a bid for reserve sales, and meet financial regulatory requirements in order to participate in an auction or reserve sale.

The November 2012 auction was conducted from 10:00 AM Pacific Time (PT) until 1:00 PM PT on November 14, 2012. Provided below are the results of the auction. For more detail on the results, please see the full ARB Auction 1 Summary Results Report.

AuctionAllowances OfferedAllowances SoldSettlement Price
Current Auction (2013 Vintage)23,126,11023,126,110$10.09
Advance Auction (2015 Vintage)39,450,0005,576,000$10.00

(Calif Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board)

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