Friday, November 09, 2012

Will EPA Accelerate Power Sector Rulemakings?

Will EPA now issue several high-profile utility sector rules that the administration was seen as delaying until after the presidential election?  EPA is likely to swiftly issue the final version of its proposed New Source Performance Standard setting first-time greenhouse gas (GHG) limits on power plants; a revised particulate matter ambient air limit that could ultimately prompt states to impose stricter pollution controls on coal-fired power plants; and a Tier III fuel and vehicle rule expected to require further cuts in the sulfur content of fuel.
Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK), stepping down as the environment committee's ranking member due to Senate GOP term limits, accused EPA of intentionally delaying rules until after the election so the Obama administration can skirt accusations that it is seeking to shutter fossil fuel production and associated economic pain before voters went to the polls. (Inside EPA)

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