Friday, November 09, 2012

EPA Update on Hydraulic Fracturing & Drinking Water

In today’s Federal Register , EPA announced it is accepting information through April 30, 2013, including data, studies, scientific analyses and other pertinent scientific information related to the potential impacts of hydraulic fracturing on drinking water resources.
This information will help to ensure EPA is current on evolving hydraulic fracturing practices and technologies as well as inform current and future research and ensure a robust record of scientific information
Consistent with the Agency’s commitment to using the highest quality information in its scientific assessments, EPA prefers that people submit information that has been peer reviewed. EPA will consider all submissions, but will give preference to peer reviewed data and literature sources. 
There are several ways to submit information to the docket for this request. Be sure to include the docket identification number Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-ORD-2010-0674 on every submission.
For more information about EPA dockets.
For more information about EPA's hydraulic fracturing study

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