Saturday, May 05, 2012

Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins Is Having A Baby

Dear Norris,

Phaedra Ellis- Lamkins
As Green For All approaches its 5th Anniversary, I am more hopeful than ever about our efforts to build a green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty. We’ve made great strides, and we couldn’t have done it without you.
I’m also thrilled to share some exciting new developments.

In a few weeks, I will become a mother for the first time. As I think about the world I want my child to grow up in, the work we do at Green For All takes on new urgency and weight. I’m more committed than ever to leaving behind a healthier, more equitable and prosperous planet.

Kimberly Freeman Brown
That’s why I couldn’t be more pleased to announce that the amazing Kimberly Freeman Brown will be joining our team. Kimberly will serve as interim executive director of Green For All during my maternity leave. As executive director of American Rights at Work, Kimberly has developed a reputation as a fearless leader who has brought together civil rights, labor, and environmental leaders to advocate for workers. We’re fortunate to have her.

Kimberly will help guide us into our next phase of growth, as we ramp up our work to create real jobs and build a movement strong enough to change our economy. As part of that effort, we’ve begun a search for a talented executive director, who will join me in my new role as president of Green For All. Our new executive director will focus on making Green For All an even more resilient and strategic institution, and I will devote more time to communicating our vision with the rest of the world and building our movement. 

It’s true that the challenge before us is daunting. But as I look ahead at the changes we’re making at Green For All, and at the successes we’re already seeing in the growing green economy, I believe that we have arrived at our moment. And as I think about the new addition to my family and my life, the stakes seem higher than ever. We have to win. And with your help, we will.


Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins
Chief Executive Officer
Green For All

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