Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Japan Utility Closes Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant

The Japanese power companpy Chubu Electric has agreed to temporarily close the Hamaoka nuclear power plant until it can be fortified against a massive tsunami.  The Hamaoka plant supplies power to central Japan.  Japan gets 30% of its electricity from nuclear power.  Chubu's decision was in response to a request by Prime Minister Naoto Kan.

The Center has been very critical of Kan's leadership concerning the Fukushima Daiichi disaster.  He refuses to seal the plant and that is unacceptable.

Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station
Chubu Electric said the shutdown could last about two years until safety steps are completed.  Chubu Electric said it would look to buy more liquefied natural gas and oil to make up for lost capacity.

The Hamaoka plant provides power to half of the 18 plants that make Toyota vehicles in Japan and all four of Suzuki Motor Corp's domestic car and motorcycle factories.  The coverage area also includes auto plants of Honda Motor Co and Mitsubishi Motors Corp, as well as Sharp Corp's Kameyama LCD factory and Toshiba Corp's Yokkaichi semiconductor plant.  (Scientific American, 5/9/2011)

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