Wednesday, May 11, 2011

EPA Cement Manufacturing Air Pollution Rule

Cement Kilm
 Today EPA reaffirmed that its 2010 cement manufacturing air pollution standards are sound, protective and cost-effective. This rule will slash emissions of harmful mercury, acid gases and fine particle pollution by more than 90 percent -- preventing thousands of heart attacks and aggravated cases of asthma and up to 2,500 premature deaths.

The agency will not delay implementing these standards while it considers potential minor changes that would further clarify and simplify the rules. As EPA considers these minor changes, EPA will seek opportunities for further clarification, simplification, or flexibility without sacrificing important health protection from emissions of mercury, soot and other harmful air pollutants.


Based on a thorough review of petitions submitted by industry and environmental groups, EPA is agreeing to reconsider certain minor technical aspects of its August 2010 air toxics and new source performance standards for Portland cement manufacturing. EPA will reconsider aspects of the rules it determined did not receive adequate opportunity for public notice and comment, along with several issues raised by industry that the agency believes may have technical merit. The agency is denying requests to reconsider other issues raised in the petitions, including requests that EPA reconsider the standards in their entirety.

Both rules will remain in place while EPA reconsiders these issues, to ensure that public health protections resulting from these rules are not delayed. Combined, the two rules are expected to dramatically cut emissions of mercury, particle pollution and other pollutants. Mercury can damage children’s developing brains, and particle pollution is linked to a wide variety of serious health effects, including aggravated asthma, heart attacks, and premature death. The rules are estimated to yield between $7 and $19 in public health benefits for every dollar spent. Additional public health benefits are expected as a result of controls on mercury and other air toxics. (EPA)

More information on the August 2010 cement standards:

More information on the Reconsideration

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