Monday, March 15, 2010

Earth Day Revolution

Center Promotes Revolutionary Green Capitalism: Cap-and-Trade

Via Carbon Mercantile Exchange

Some environmental and other groups signed a "Declaration" calling on the U.S. Senate to take swift action on clean energy and climate. A Climate Rally is scheduled on April 25 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the first Earth Day. The Center will be lobbying hard to pass a Cap-and-Trade program in the 111th Congress. We are also promoting a revolutionary Carbon Mercantile Exchange (CMX) to directly leverage CO2 reductions. Former Vice President Al Gore isn't the only one who intends to demonstrate that one can get rich while implementing innovative solutions to mitigate destructive climate change.

The following groups have signed the Earth Day Declaration: 1Sky, Audubon, American Hunters and Shooters, American Rivers, American Values Network, Campus Progress, Center for American Progress Action Fund, Clean Water Action, Chesapeake Climate Action Network, Climate Protection Action Fund, Climate Solutions, Defenders of Wildlife, Democracia Ahora, Earth Day Network, Environment America, Environmental Defense Action Fund, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Green for All, Hip Hop Caucus, Interfaith Power and Light, La Onda Verde, League of Conservation Voters, National Catholic Rural Life Conference, National Wildlife Federation, NWF Campus Ecology, Natural Resources Defense Council, Oceana, Operation Free, Rock the Vote, Sierra Club, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, SACE, Southern Energy Network, StudentPIRGs, SustainUS, Truman National Security Project, Union of Concerned Scientists, Veterans for Common Sense, Voces Verdes, World Wildlife Fund, The Wilderness Society

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