Monday, March 15, 2010

Earth Day 2010

This is the 40th Anniversary of the Original Earth Day in 1970. The Earth Day Network is coordinating activities to commemorate the anniversary. They are encouraging individual, organizations, agencies, businesses, and others to plan events to celebrate this day for the Earth.

Global Days of Service – April 17-18, 2010 - will feature Volunteer Actions by tens of thousands of global participants. These projects in parks, beaches, schools and forests will focus on climate change solutions like tree planting, energy efficiency retrofits, water protection, urban gardens and forest restoration. Volunteer activities will be quantified though their events registration tool and carried out through local partners around the world. Click here to sign up as a partner!

Event on The National Mall in Washington, DC: Change the Climate Rally – April 25 Noon until 6:00 p.m.

Rally to support renewable energy, sustainable development and consumption, and the creation of a green economy based on green jobs. Individuals, non-profits, government agencies and businesses will participate in Earth Day 2010. The event will feature music, entertainment, speakers and environmental activities. Simultaneous free events will be held nationwide and all over the world.
Earth Day 40th Anniversary Events – April 22

Exhibitions and Performances on The National Mall – April 17-25

Earth Day Action Center: A Project of Earth Day Network

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