Monday, December 08, 2008

The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poznań

The Poznań Climate Change Conference provides the opportunity to draw together the advances made in 2008 and move from discussion to negotiation mode in 2009. At COP 14/CMP 4 in Poznań, Parties are expected to:

Agree on a plan of action and programmes of work for the final year of negotiations after a year of comprehensive and extensive discussions on crucial issues relating to future commitments, actions and cooperation

Make significant progress on a number of on-going issues required to enhance further the implementation of the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol, including capacity-building for developing countries, reducing emissions from deforestation (REDD), technology transfer and adaptation.

Advance understanding and commonality of views on "shared vision" for a new climate
change regime

Strengthen commitment to the process and the agreed timeline
The next meeting of the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference will be in December 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The European Union backs a goal of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 25 to 40 percent.

President-elect Obama backs a goal of cutting GHGs back to 1990 levels.

President Bush backs stopping the rise of GHGs by 2020.

More: UNFCCC Poznań Climate Change Conference 2008

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