Monday, December 08, 2008

Constellation Board Meeting On Electricite de France Offer

The Center is based in Maryland about 40 miles from Constellation's Calvert Cliff's nuclear power plant. We have presented statements in support of the facility at Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) meetings.

We strongly encourage Constellation Energy Group's board of directors to approve the Electricite de France (EdF) offer and reject the MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company offer. As we have repeatedly stated in the past, the Center believes EdF is more serious about promoting nuclear energy than MidAmerican. Mr. Warren Buffet has demonstrated that he is not committed to emission free production of electricity using fission, so we are not committed to his offer. In fact we have also stated that if EPA Clean Water Act 316(b) regulations go in the wrong direction, that MidAmerican would more than likely close the facility instead of building cooling towers. We also do not believe Mr. Buffet will build a new atomic energy plant at the site.

We also encourage Constellation shareholders to accept the EdF bid and reject the MidAmerican bid at the December 23 vote. The Center has also let its views be known at the NRC at a November Headquarters meeting (The Baltimore Sun, 12/8/08)

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