Monday, February 27, 2017

Sonia Altieri Receives EPA Gold Award


By Norris McDonald

Sonia Altieri has received the EPA Gold Award.  The recognition was given at EPA's Office of Water Awards ceremony at EPA Headquarters in Washington, DC in January 2017. 

Ms. Altieri is part of a team that received the EPA Gold Award for the Clean Water Rule.  

This is the highest medal that an employee can receive.  The names are approved by the EPA Administrator (in this case Gina McCarthy-pictured below).  This is a special and rare occurrence. 

Sonia Altieri is 4th from right back row
EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy is far left 1st row
Interestingly, Sonia is the sister of Vern Altieri, who is arguably Catalina Island's best musician.  This brilliant musician holds court every Friday night at the Marlin Club in Avalon on the island.  He is an institution in the town.  Having moved to Avalon on Catalina Island a little over two years ago, Vern has brought great joy to my cultural life. 

Vern Altieri

I see the apple does not fall far from the tree.  Evidently, brilliance runs in the family.  My congratulations to Sonia and thanks to Vern for sharing this important information with me.  

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