Saturday, December 26, 2015

Union Gas Receives Approval to Transport Natural Gas from Ohio to Ontario

Union Gas recently received approval from the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) for a 15-year contract to move natural gas from supply basins located near Ohio, into the Union Gas Dawn Hub on the proposed NEXUS Gas Transmission system (NEXUS), starting November, 2017.

Over the past five years, there has been a significant increase in the development and production of natural gas within the Appalachian Basis in Ohio and Pennsylvania. The proposed NEXUS project, which is being developed jointly by Spectra Energy and DTE Energy, will connect Ontario gas consumers to these new and growing supplies and provide Ontario consumers with greater supply diversity, security and cost competitiveness.

The goal is to ensure that Ontario gas consumers, including homes, businesses and industry, have secure access to a diverse supply of competitively-priced natural gas. 

Abundant North American supplies are keeping prices low for natural gas consumers. In fact, the price Union Gas customers pay for natural gas has steadily declined and is lower today than it was 10 years ago. In addition.  (State of Ohio)

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