Tuesday, July 07, 2015

The Brattle Group Report Shows Benefits of Nuclear Power

new report from The Brattle Group demonstrates the significant contributions that America's existing nuclear fleet makes to the country's economy. According to the analysis, nuclear energy plants – which provide 1/5 of the US' electricity and almost 2/3 of its carbon-free electricity – also add an impressive $60 billion to the country’s GDP each year.
According to Nuclear Matters Co-Chair former Senator Evan Bayh, “The significance of nuclear energy in a carbon-constrained context is often underestimated. And the data from the Brattle report shows just how important these plants are to the functioning of our economy. It is our hope that releasing this report will bring to light the need to properly value these plants in order to preserve their indisputable benefits.” 
Nuclear Matters also believes these findings underscore the need to address the underlying challenges associated with existing plants’ premature closures.
The study also finds that nuclear energy plants support 475,000 high-paying jobs and contribute 10 billion in federal taxes each year. What's more, these efficient nuclear energy plants save consumers an average of 6% on their electricity bills.
Brattle’s report also demonstrates how these plants help protect the environment. Nuclear energy plants together avoid over 1/2 billion tons of carbon emissions each year, valued at $25 billion. These findings are especially important as our country looks to mitigate the harmful impacts of climate change.
To learn more about the report, visit NuclearMatters.com/ValueOfNuclear,

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