Friday, August 01, 2014

Average Electricity Price At All-Time High

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, for the first time ever, the average price for a kilowatthour (KWH) of electricity in the United States hit a record 14.3 cents in June 2014.

Average Price for a KWH of Electricity

Typically, the cost of electricity peaks in summer, declines in fall, and hits its lowest point of the year during winter.

Electricity Price Index 1913-2013

According to the Energy Information Administration--overall electricity production with a total of 1,329,042 million KWH.

According to the Census Bureau, however, the resident population of the United States increased from 300,888,674 in April 2007 to 317,787,997 in April 2014. So, per capita electricity production in the first four months of 2014 (0.004182 million KWH per person) was less than the per capita electricity production in the first four months of 2007 (0.004316 million KWH per person).

Electricity Production Per Capita


Coal is the top fuel source of electricity production. Such production dropped by 15% from 2007 until today (644,052 million KWH to 548,297 million KWH. That is a drop of 95,755 million KWH)

Electricity production from nuclear power declined from 260,838 million KWH in January-April 2007 to 254,485 in January-April 2014.

Electricity production from conventional hydroelectric power declined from 92,873 million KWH to 88,364.

Production from petroleum declined from 24,974 million KWH to 14,931.

The largest increase in electricity production came from natural gas—which climbed from generating 234,331 million KWH in the first four months of 2007 to generating 318,958 million KWH in the first four months of 2014.  (CNS News, 7/29/2014)

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