Thursday, May 29, 2014

President Obama West Point Speech Includes Global Warming

President Obama at West Point May 28

The Center has been encouraging the Obama administration to utilize the Defense Department (DoD) to assist in mitigating global warming.  Such DoD participation would be part of a public/private partnership to utilize wind, solar and nuclear power to provide emission free electricity and convert carbon dioxide into a transportation fuel.

You can click on the links to get more infomation about our Energy Defense Reservation Program and Defense Energy Reservation Program.

He is the excerpt that includes President Obama's comment about global warming being a national security crisis:
Keep in mind, not all international norms relate directly to armed conflict. We have a serious problem with cyber-attacks, which is why we’re working to shape and enforce rules of the road to secure our networks and our citizens. In the Asia Pacific, we’re supporting Southeast Asian nations as they negotiate a code of conduct with China on maritime disputes in the South China Sea. And we’re working to resolve these disputes through international law. That spirit of cooperation needs to energize the global effort to combat climate change -- a creeping national security crisis that will help shape your time in uniform, as we are called on to respond to refugee flows and natural disasters and conflicts over water and food, which is why next year I intend to make sure America is out front in putting together a global framework to preserve our planet.

(The White House)

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