Friday, May 09, 2014

EPA Seeks Comments On Fracking Chemicals

EPA announced today that it will seek public comment on what information could be reported and disclosed for hydraulic fracturing chemicals and mixtures and the approaches for obtaining this information, including non-regulatory approaches. EPA is also soliciting input on incentives and recognition programs that could support the development and use of safer chemicals in hydraulic fracturing. A public process through an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) will help inform EPA’s efforts to promote the transparency and safety of unconventional oil and gas activities while strengthening protection of our air, water, land and communities.
EPA wants to hear from the public and stakeholders about public disclosure of chemicals used during hydraulic fracturing, and we will continue working with our federal, state, local, and tribal partners to ensure that we complement but not duplicate existing reporting requirements.

EPA’s ANPR includes a list of questions for stakeholders and the public to consider as they develop their comments. Following the 90-day comment period, the agency will evaluate the submitted comments as it considers appropriate next steps. Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemakings are intended to engage the public and solicit comments and/or information from the public for EPA’s consideration in addressing a particular issue, including information that EPA could consider in developing non-regulatory approaches or a proposed rule.  (EPA)

Read EPA’s ANPR:

1 comment:

  1. The problem with soliciting public comments about hydraulic fracturing (i.e. for tracking) is that the industry says they have to keep these chemicals secret because they don't want competitors to learn their "secret formula" whereas environmentalists want to ban the practice altogether. Similar between the two there should be a common sense-based consensus but the EPA is going to have his hands full. Sorting through the 95% of junk comments they will no doubt receive on this issue.
