Monday, November 11, 2013

Bureau of the Public Debt

The Bureau of the Public Debt is a small agency within the Department of the Treasury whose customers are every day people and anyone who has ever bought any type of Treasury security.  Millions have done this in the case of savings bonds.  Their job is to borrow the money needed to operate the federal government and to account for the resulting debt.

They borrow by selling Treasury bills, notes, and bonds, as well as U.S. Savings Bonds.

They pay interest to investors; and, when the time comes to pay back the loans, they redeem investors' securities. Every time they borrow or pay back money, it affects the outstanding debt of the United States.  They also provide reimbursable administrative, financial management and information technology services to a variety of Federal government entities through our Administrative Resource Center (ARC).  (Bureau of the Public Debt)

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