Wednesday, November 13, 2013

2013 DC Stormwater Management Rule - Additional Training Sessions

Also see the Center Stormwater Credit Exchange
Below is a schedule for additional public training sessions related to the 2013 Rule on

Stormwater Management and Soil Erosion and Sediment Control (2013 SW Rule) and the 2013 Stormwater Management Guidebook (2013 SWMG), which provides technical guidance on how to comply with the rule. 
As DDOE responds to questions from individual projects, DDOE is identifying issues that should be clarified for the benefit of the larger stakeholder community. To that end, DDOE will be providing updates through this email list and on its website.
Among the topics on which DDOE has received questions is the plan for transitioning o the stormwater management performance requirements in the 2013 SW Rule. To provide greater clarity, DDOE has revised the transition plan summary posted on its website. This revised summary is attached.
The 2013 SW Rule, 2013 SWMG, updated training schedule, and related information are available via
The addresses of training locations are below the list of sessions.
General Compliance
·      Tuesday, November 19, 2013
DDOE Room 509
Generation and Certification of Stormwater Retention Credits (SRCs), Discount on Stormwater Impervious Fees, and Use of the Online Application Portal/Database
·     Tuesday, December 3, 2013
DDOE Room 509
·      Tuesday, January 7, 2013
DDOE Room 509
The above sessions will all be at DDOE’s offices, located at:
1200 First St. NE
Washington, DC 20002
* 2 blocks from the NOMA Metro station (red line); exit south side of station onto M St., NE
* Please check in with receptionist on 5th floor, and you will then be escorted to the training room.  (DDOE)

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