Thursday, October 10, 2013

U.S. Agrees to Nuclear Power Plant Fuel Deal With Vietnam

The Obama administration has agreed to sell Vietnam nuclear fuel and technology. 
Hanoi has agreed to initially purchase nuclear fuel for its reactors from international suppliers, rather than producing it domestically.  Vietnam is maintaining its right at a later date to develop domestic capabilities, either by enriching uranium or the reprocessing of spent reactor fuel.  For now though, Vietnam has agreed to high standards and made a political commitment to not enrich uranium.

The agreement gives the U.S. control over any material or technology it sells to Hanoi.

The administration views Vietnam and Iran differently. The administration has imposed tough sanctions on Iran for its nuclear program and Mr. Obama has criticized the country for what he says is its repeated flouting of international nonproliferation standards.  (WSJ, 10/9/2013)

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