Tuesday, September 10, 2013

One Of Those Very Interesting Days


By Norris McDonald

Today kind of reminded me of one day a few years ago when I briefed Reverend Al Sharpton in New York for his presidential debate with the League of Conservation Voters in California and later that day met President George Bush in The White House for the first time.

I went to the House Oversight Committee hearing today that was looking at ongoing compliance 'problems' with the Federal Records Act and the Presidential Records Act.  Former EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson was one of the witnesses (statement).   The committee is chaired by Darrell Issa, and it appeared to be a fishing expedition to me.  The committee completely failed to link any wrongdoing to Jackson.  I greeted her before the hearing and was glad to be there to lend moral support.

After the Oversight hearing, I went around the corner to the House Energy & Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy hearing looking at next steps on implementing the Nuclear Waste Policy Act.  It was basically on Yucca Mountain.  It was a brutal hearing.  Witnesses NRC Chair Allison Macfarlane and DOE Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy Peter Lyons were raked over the coals by Republicans on the committee for NRC and DOE dragging their feet on developing Yucca Mountain as the repository for America's nuclear waste.  I met and introduced myself to NRC Chairwoman Allison McFarlane after the hearing.

We support Yucca Mountain as the repository for the nation's nuclear waste.

Later in the afternoon/evening I attended the Celebration for Dru Ealons, who is leaving EPA after three years of service.  The reception was held at the elegant MXDC on 14th Street in downtown Washington, D.C.  It was a very touching send off for Mrs. Ealons.  New EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy attended the reception.   It was good to have a little chat with her about her recent trip to Alaska.

All in all it was a very interesting day.  I had the opportunity to greet former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, meet NRC Chairwoman Allison McFarlane and chat with current EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy.  Not bad.  Not a bad day at all.

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