Friday, July 26, 2013

Maryland Governor Releases Global Warming Mitigation Plan

Martin O'Malley
Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley released a global warming mitigation plan on Thursday at a summit on climate change with scientists, business leaders and environmental advocates.  The plan calls for increasing the amount of energy from renewable sources under the Maryland Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard to 25 percent by 2020. The program previously had set an 18 percent benchmark by 2020 and 20 percent by 2022.

The plan also calls for pushing legislation next year aimed at increasing the recycling rate statewide, because waste in landfills is a source of greenhouse gas emissions. Under the plan outlined by the governor, the state would strive to better utilize or recycle 60 percent of Maryland's government managed solid waste by 2020.
Maryland's county recycling rates already average around 45 percent.  Much of the framework includes environmental measures the O'Malley administration already has pushed through the Legislature. They include initiatives to develop offshore wind and boost solar energy policies.
An offshore wind initiative off the coast of Ocean City will take years to develop. It would increase monthly electricity bills for ratepayers by an estimated $1.50 a month, once energy is generated by wind turbines.  Environmental advocates note that Maryland is among the states most vulnerable to climate change and rising waters. The state has more than 3,000 miles of shoreline.  (Times Union, 7/25/2013)

1 comment:

  1. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is an odorless, tasteless, transparent gas that is absolutely necessary for life on earth. Plants must sort through 2500 molecules to find one that can be used to make food. More CO2 results in more food. Calling CO2 a pollutant is technologically incompetent.

    Any credible change to the level of non-condensing greenhouse gases has never had and will never have significant effect on average global temperature.

    The influence of solar activity on earth’s average global temperature is accurately quantified by a proxy which is the time-integral of sunspot numbers.

    GW ended before 2001.

    AGW never was.
