Friday, May 10, 2013

Republicans Fighting EPA & Gina McCarthy Nomination


By Norris McDonald

The Center supports Gina McCarthy's nomination to be EPA administrator.  She was approved by the Senate before.  She should be again.

Republicans on the Senate Enviroment and Public Works Committee boycotted a proposed vote on the nomination this week.  On April 25, 2013 the Committee Republicans asked Chairman Barbara Boxer to postpone the nomination vote because they had not received answers to their questions. That request was denied. The Senators made the following statement today:
"For too long EPA has failed to deliver on the promises of transparency espoused by President Barack Obama, former Administrator Lisa Jackson, and by Gina McCarthy. Accordingly, the Republicans on the EPW Committee have asked EPA to honor five very reasonable and basic requests in conjunction with the nomination of Gina McCarthy, which focus on openness and transparency. While Chairman Boxer has allowed EPA adequate time to fully respond before any mark-up on the nomination, EPA has stonewalled on four of the five categories. We ask and expect that Chairman Barbara Boxer will follow the rules of the Committee and the full U.S. Senate."

Rule 2(a) of the EPW Committee rules require at least two members of the minority party to be present to constitute a quorum, which is necessary for the Committee to take action.

Rule XXVI 7(a)(1) of the Senate rules require that a majority of any Committee be physically present to take action. This is a requirement enforceable on the Senate floor, a fact confirmed by the Senate Parliamentarian's office.

On April 10, the EPW Republicans released five transparency concerns (four of which remain unresolved) they have with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Click here to read the letter to McCarthy outlining their requests. Click on each of these transparency requests to read about each in detail:

FOIA Failures,

Inconsistent E-mail Practices and Policies,

Transparency through Data Access,

Snapshot Approach Toward Economic Analysis Doesn't Work,

Share 'Intent to Sue' Notices with the Public.

(Senate Environment & Public Works Committee

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