Friday, April 12, 2013

Obama FY 2014 Budget: Interior

The Department’s 2014 budget request totals $11.9 billion in current authority. This is an increase of $486.4 million over the 2012 enacted level.

The 2014 request for the Bureau of Reclamation including the Central Utah Project Completion Act, funded in the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, is $1.0 billion in current appropriations, a reduction of $26.8 million and 2.5 percent when compared to the 2012 level.

In 2014, Interior will generate receipts of approximately $14.1 billion. 

Bureau of Land Management – The 2014 request is $1.2 billion, an increase of $32.6 million over the 2012 enacted budget.

To advance the America’s Great Outdoors initiative, the request includes $8.0 million in programmatic increases for recreation and the National Landscape Conservation System to improve opportunities for recreation, education, and scientific activities while enhancing the conservation and protection of BLM-managed lands and resources.

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management - The 2014 operating request is $169.4 million, including $71.5 million in current appropriations and $97.9 million in offsetting collections. This is an increase of $11.9 million in net current appropriations above the 2012 enacted level.

Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement – The 2014 budget request is $222.1 million, including $98.2 million in current appropriations and $124.0 million in offsetting collections. This is an increase of $24.8 million in net current appropriations above the 2012 enacted level.

Office of Surface Mining – The 2014 budget request for the Office of Surface Mining is $143.1 million, a decrease of $7.1 million from the 2012 enacted level.

Bureau of Reclamation– The 2014 budget request totals $1.0 billion, a decrease of $26.8 million below the 2012 enacted level and $33.4 million below the 2013 Continuing Resolution, P.L. 112-175, annualized.

U. S. Geological Survey – The USGS budget request is $1.2 billion, $98.8 million above the 2012 enacted level.

Fish and Wildlife Service– The 2014 Fish and Wildlife Service budget includes $1.6 billion in current appropriations, an increase of $76.4 million above the 2012 level. This includes America’s Great Outdoors initiative related increases of $68.9 million in the Resource Management account.

National Park Service – The 2014 budget request for NPS of $2.6 billion is $56.6 million above the 2012 enacted level. In 2014, a total of $2.5 billion is requested for NPS as part of the America’s Great Outdoors initiative. This includes $2.3 billion for park operations, as represented by the Operation of the National Park System account, which is a total increase of $48.4 million over 2012.

Indian Affairs – The 2014 budget includes $2.6 billion for Indian Affairs programs, an increase of $31.3 million from the 2012 enacted level.

Departmental Offices and Department-wide Programs – The 2014 request for the Office of the Secretary is $268.9 million, an increase of $7.0 million from the 2012 enacted level.

(DOI FY 2014 Budget)

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