Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Virginia Uranium Mining

Move the play bar to about 29 minutes in for the beginning

The Virginia General Assembly is currently reviewing the Commonwealth's moratorium on uranium mining, which has been in place since 1982. The Heritage Foundation hosted a forum today on the issue.  The Heritage Foundation believes that lifting the moratorium could not only bring thousands of jobs and billions of dollars worth of economic activity to Virginia's south-central region, but also provide the nation with a major energy source for years to come. They believe that despite these benefits and the strong history of safe uranium mining in countries like Australia and Canada and in the United States, many Virginia Assembly members remain skeptical that uranium mining is good for the state.   
Dr. Bob Seal
Research Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey

Andrea Jennetta
Founder and Publisher, Fuel Cycle Week

Walter Coles Jr.
Owner, Coles Hill, and Executive Vice President, Virginia Uranium, Inc.

Hosted By

Jack Spencer
Jack Spencer
Senior Research Fellow, Nuclear Energy Policy

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