Friday, December 21, 2012

EPA Building Named After Bill Clinton

William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building
Both chambers of Congress have passed legislation to rename the Environmental Protection Agency’s District of Columbia headquarters after former President Bill Clinton.

The building, located at 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue and currently named the “Ariel Rios Building,” previously served as the headquarters of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The facility was renovated to house the EPA in 1993. 

Rios was an ATF special agent killed in the line of duty on Dec. 2, 1982. The ATF plans to name a reflecting pool after him at the agency’s current headquarters at 99 New York Avenue NE in Washington.
When President Obama signs the name-change legislation, the EPA headquarters would officially become the “William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building.”  (Wash Post, 12/21/2012)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:30 PM


    Dr. Sam
