Monday, November 05, 2012

CDC Health & Safety Advice for Returning Home After a Disaster

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has important health information that you might wish to highlight for your members who are returning to their homes following Hurricane Sandy. This information – which is intended to ensure that they remain safe and healthy while cleaning up from storm damage– can be added to any Web page as a direct link using a widget available on CDC’s Web site.
This resource includes guidance on how to:
  • safely use generators and other fuel-burning devices to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning,
  • properly clean up one’s home to prevent mold growth, and
  • protect against a variety of hazards, including downed electrical lines, flood waters, and hazardous chemicals – that could cause injury or illness.
 For more information about returning home after a disaster contact Priyanka Pathak.

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