Tuesday, October 23, 2012

President Obama: A Plan For Jobs & Middle Class Security

A Plan For Jobs & Middle Class Economic Security

Energy Made in America. Dependence on foreign oil hurts our economy and imperils national security, which is why President Obama has set a goal of cutting our net oil imports in half by 2020. President Obama’s policies have helped to cut net imports by nearly 30% in his first term already, and his plans to expand domestic energy production will support more than 600,000 jobs in the natural gas sector alone. We can’t fuel our recovery without developing more American-made energy.

To continue to fuel booming exports, the President is leading the fight to safely and responsibly develop all sources of domestic energy to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and while protecting the environment. Since President Obama took office, America has regained its position as the world’s leading producer of natural gas. We’ve doubled renewable energy production from wind and solar, and domestic oil production grew to a 14-year high. The result: our dependence on foreign oil is at a 20-year low this year. The number of oil rigs in production in the United States is now at a 25-year high. Natural gas production is at record levels, and electricity generation from wind, solar, and geothermal is on track to double by the end of 2012. Wind energy production in the US now supports over 75,000 clean energy jobs across the country.

President Obama has made a historic $5 billion investment in clean coal, our largest source of domestic power, to develop new technologies to capture carbon pollution. And President Obama has doubled fuel-efficiency standards for cars and trucks. All of this is putting thousands of Americans back to work. President Obama’s plan will grow America’s piece of the global clean energy market, creating well-paying jobs here at home, including more than 600,000 jobs in natural gas alone. And by growing American energy, we can keep our young men and women working here at home, not fighting wars on foreign soil.

The way forward: Expanding underground and clean energy productionand cutting foreign oil imports in half by 2020. President Obama is pursuing an “all-of-the-above” energy strategy that will produce reliable, affordable energy and take steps to protect our climate:

1. Opening up millions of acres for exploration and development, including undiscovered oil and gas resources in the Gulf of Mexico and the Arctic.

2. Investing in domestic energy sources including wind, solar, clean coal, nuclear, and biofuels. All while increasing our energy efficiency.

3. Doubling fuel economy of cars and light trucks to 54.5 mpg by 2025, which will reduce oil consumption by 2.2 million barrels a day and save consumers more than $8,000 at the pump.

4. Calling on Congress to build on our success in positioning America to be the world’s leading manufacturer in high-tech batteries. President Obama is calling for extending tax credits that support clean energy manufacturing.

5. Setting a standard for utility companies so that 80% of the nation’s electricity comes from clean sources by 2035. This will help create a market for American manufacturers to make the clean energy technology we need, while improving access to cheaper, moresecure energy for U.S. manufacturers.

(BarackObama.com /plan)rackObama.com/Plans

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