Friday, September 14, 2012

D.C. Housing Authority Energy & Water Improvements

The DC Housing Authority is celebrating the completion of a $26 million Energy Capital Improvement (ECI) Program and the start of two new initiatives. With the ECI Program, DCHA has leveraged the energy and water savings generated from the replacement, upgrade and modernization of aging equipment and infrastructure to improve more than 5,400 public housing units at 34 DCHA properties. DCHA has already seen a savings of almost $2.5 million per year from this program, and the savings will continue to grow.

DCHA Green Roof
Some of the items included in the improvements to the properties are new boilers, chillers, refrigerators, toilets, faucets, showers, baths and lighting systems. DCHA is the biggest landlord in the nation’s capital. Its carbon footprint leaves an indelible impression in the District, and its energy efficiency policy is making a critical difference in the greening of Washington, DC.  DCHA currently has three buildings in its portfolio with special green roof features ranging from solar panels to rainwater collection systems and resident seating and recreation areas.

The first new initiative ensures that both savings and sustainability will continue to grow at the agency’s 45 housing communities. DCHA has produced “A Guide to Building Product Standards,” a reference guide for contractors regarding the construction and rehabilitation of its affordable housing units.
The second new initiative is a partnership with the University of the District of Columbia Cooperative Extension Program to provide recycling education for DCHA resident leaders The recycling program is being initiated authority-wide, and it will complement numerous other resident-driven environmental activities at public housing properties such as community gardens and composting programs. (DCHA)

Shared Savings Program

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