Thursday, August 23, 2012

Center Seeking Keystone Pipeline Construction Contract

The Center and its pipeline construction partner, S.L. Sibert Management and Construction Company (SLSMC), are pursuing contracting opportunities on the proposed Keystone XL pipeline project.  The Center hopes the pipeline, TransCanada, will select our team to construct a portion of the pipeline.  The Center would assure that appropriate environmental protections are in place and SLSMC has extensive experience in pipeline construction.

The Keystone pipeline already runs from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada to Cushing, Oklahoma.  The southern extension from Cushing, Oklahoma to Port Arthur and Houston, Texas has been approved.  The controversial project is still awaiting State Department approval, which should come early in 2013, if not sooner.  The project needs State Department approval because it crosses an international border.  The Keystone XL Expansion pipeline would provide a shortcut and extension from Cushing, Oklahoma to Port Arthur and Houston.  The Center/SLSMC is prepared to participate in construction along any section of the pipeline.

Keystone XL Pipeline Primer

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