Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Center Partners With Water Management, Inc

Section 3 Water Conservation Jobs Training and Business Creation Program

Center for Environment, Commerce & Energy
Water Management, Inc.
HUD Outreach
Section 3
July 2012


The Center for Environment, Commerce and Energy (Center) and Water Management, Inc (WMI) have partnered to offer water management entrepreneurial services to Public Housing Authorities and their residents.
Section 3 businesses should contact Water Management, Inc. (WMI) today if they are interested in providing water management services . WMI is prepared to work with already certified Section 3 businesses and is also prepared to assist prospective businesses in establishing water services companies.If your housing authority is interested in saving water, please share this notice with residents of public housing or other low income people who you believe would be a good match for this sort of work.

Creating Jobs & Saving Money

Energy Services Contracts include water management as a component of saving energy and money. Water Management, Inc. is examing the feasibility of integrating Energy Performance Contracts with Section 3 entrepreneurial actitivities.

We can save water, create new businesses, increase cash flows and save on utility bills all at the same time.
Let us show you how this can be done.

Water Management, Inc

Water Management, Inc. is well established in the field of water efficiency and conservation and has developed a successful track record since its founding in 1980. WMI operates nationwide with offices in Alexandria, VA (Headquarters), Nashville, Atlanta, Boston, Fort Worth and Los Angeles.

Testing Lab

Over the past 30 years, WMI's water professionals have conserved hundreds of billions of gallons of water for our clients. WMI continually trains its personnel in leading water conservation techniques so our clients can be assured of world class service in the areas of water demand management and conservation. Roughly two-thirds of our employees are involved with hands-on supervision or direct product installation.

Water Management Inc. also operates an in-house testing laboratory to advise our clients on which products will best fit the water efficiency needs of their property.

Center for Environment,
Commerce & Energy

The Center for Environment, Commerce & Energy is an environmental organization dedicated to protecting the environment, promoting the efficient use of natural resources, enhancing human, animal and plant ecologies and increasing participation in the environmental movement.

HUD Section 3
Creating Entrepreneurs


The HUD Section 3 program requires that recipients of certain HUD financial assistance, to the greatest extent possible, provide job training, employment, and contract opportunities for low- or very-low income residents in connection with projects and activities in their neighborhoods.

WMI and the Center support the HUD Section 3 program and are available to provide outreach and support services to public housing entrepreneurs. WMI and the Center will provide water management support services.
Contact Me Today

Norris McDonald
WMI and the Center are available to provide training and incubator water management company services to Section 3 companies.

Contact: Norris McDonald
1629 K Street, NW., Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006
Thank you for considering us.

We want to save water and create water efficiency entrepreneurs.

Norris McDonald, President
Center for Environment, Commerce & Energy
Russ Horner, President
Water Management, Inc.

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