Monday, July 02, 2012

Veterans Jobs, Career and Training Program

Special Projects

The Center is in the process of implementing a Veterans Jobs, Career and Training (JCT) Program, which will provide jobs, training and careers in the energy sector.  Our immediate target is to create opportunities in the fracking and fracking related industries.  From the wellhead to trucking water to ecosystem remediation, the Center intends to assist veterans in gaining employment in this sector.

Center Special Projects Chairman Dr. George Sloan is heading up this project, which will be initiated in areas around Pennsylvania. 

Fracking includes numerous jobs.  There are also ancillary jobs, such as wastewater treatment plant positions and underground injection workers.  The Veterans JCT Program will include participation in fracking development from wellhead to pipeline.  Training will result in pipe fitter and OSHA certificate

The Center is establishing partnership to assure a successful program. This partnering will include industry, environmental groups, agencies and human resources-oriented organizations.  The training program will be at several different locations in the Marcellus Shale area and will result in a national-level certification to work in both natural gas and petroleum (oil rig) drilling.  There will be training for pipe fitters for natural gas utility supply companies. Graduates will be prepared to interview with local gas utility companies.

The Veterans JCT Program will include manufacturing/machinist training that will include apprenticeship placements for all graduates.  Center partners will include on-the-job training in the following areas: laboratory technicians, instrument technicians, field operations, engineers, drafting personnel, water quality sampling technicians and supervisory personnel.  These jobs are directly related to skills such as aircraft electricians, aircraft powerplant repair, electrical/avionics systems, telecommunications systems, satellite communications, electronic/electrical operations, engineering/construction, combat engineers, signals intelligence, data/communications maintenance, motor transport and plumbers. The program will also include truck driver training.

1 comment:

  1. From the wellhead to trucking water to ecosystem remediation, the Center intends to assist veterans in gaining employment in this sector.
