Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Department of Labor Proposes Contractors Hire Veterans

Special Projects: Doc Sloan

Support Job Goals For Veterans in Federal Contracting

The U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs is proposing a new equal-opportunity employment rule that would require all contractors -- construction companies as well as IT firms to airplane manufacturers -- doing business with the government "to set a hiring goal of having 7 percent of their employees be qualified workers with disabilities." Another amendment to federal contracting policy would require government contractors and subcontractors to make a "fair and reasonable" effort to hire veterans and meticulously document efforts to recruit and hire former military personnel.

The new rules would set "goals" -- not quotas -- by the federal government's description.

The Center is interested in promoting employment for veterans in energy and environmental sector contracting.  This is huge area for federal government contracting, from oil and gases public land leasing to subsidies for energy projects.

According to the executive director of the National Disability Rights Network, the protections now in place haven't been working.  The Network believes the federal government, as an enormous employer and contracting agent, bears the responsibility to set an example for the rest of the nation's businesses.

The veterans "quota" is not a set-in-stone percentage, but a "hiring benchmark" that the contractor itself must come up with and try to meet. It would be based on a number of factors, including the prevalence of veterans living in the area where the company does business.  (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 6/30/2010)

The Department of Labor proposals on hiring disabled workers and veterans

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