Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Nuclear Regulatory Commission IG Report on Gregory Jaczko

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Inspector General report (Summary) on NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko has been completed.   It notes that senior executives and Jaczko’s fellow commissioners

“provided specific examples of what they perceived as intimidating and bullying tactics by Chairman Jaczko so that they would be influenced to side with the chairman’s opinion despite their own judgment.”

Jaczko announced his resignation in May following a tenure that included his four fellow NRC commissioners openly criticizing his behavior and management style, even complaining to the White House last year that he was causing “serious damage” to the agency.

The Center's brief interaction with Jaczko was not very positive and we join with the other NRC commissioners in delighting at his departure. (The Hill, 6/25/2012)

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