Monday, May 21, 2012

NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko Resigns

And The Center Could Not Be Happier

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Chairman Gregory Jaczko announced his resignation today after three tumultuous years.  His decision follows a tenure that has featured complaints about his management style from other members of the commission. 

The Center found Chairman Jaczko to be arrogant, aloof and rude.  We are delighted to see him go.  He abused his colleagues, harassed staff and has consistently attempted to sabotage the permit process for approving Yucca Mountain as the nation's repository for nuclear waste.

We know the other NRC commissioners and staff are celebrating today.  So are we.  Gregory Jaczko was a horrible NRC Chairman and his tenure hurt the agency and the nuclear renaissance.

Now the bad news: The White House plans to nominate a new commission chairman soon and Mr. Jaczko has said he would step down after his successor is confirmed. Please.  Please. Please.  Leave immediately.  (The HIll, 5/21/2012, WSJ, 5/21/2012))

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