Tuesday, May 29, 2012

EPA Regulations on Fracking Air Emissions

EPA To Regulate Air Emissions from Hydraulic Fracturing As Industry Under Scrutiny

By Adam Orford
May 29, 2012
EPA will begin imposing new emissions control requirements on natural gas wells that are developed using hydraulic fracturing (fracking) under final regulations adopted last month. New hydraulically fractured wells, and older wells that are refractured, must immediately employ emissions combustion (flaring) technology, and must be fitted with emissions capturing devices, known as “green completion” technology, by 2015. The new rules also impose a number of additional technical requirements intended to reduce fugitive emissions from natural gas transmission, storage, and processing plants and equipment. These are the first significant updates to natural gas clean air regulations since 1999, and the first national environmental regulations to specifically address hydraulic fracturing. (Marten Law)

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