Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Costa Concordia Removal Plan Presented

On May 15, Italian authorities provided the necessary permits for the work to begin in salvaging the Costa Concordia.  The work will begin in a few days and is expected to last about 12 months.

Titan Salvage , part of the Crowley Group, is an American-owned specialist marine salvage and wreck removal company and is a world leader in its field. Micoperi is a well-known Italian marine contractor with a long history as a specialist in underwater construction and engineering.

The plan to refloat the hull in one piece gives top priority to minimizing environmental impact, protecting Giglio’s economy and tourism industry, and maximizing safety.

Environmental protection will have top priority throughout the monumental salvage operation, the likes of which has not been attempted before anywhere in the world. Once removal is complete, the sea bottom will be cleaned and marine flora replanted.

Operations will be divided into four basic stages:

  1. After stabilizing the ship, a subsea platform will be built and caissons that can be filled with water will be fixed to the side of the ship that is out of the water
  2. Two cranes fixed to the platform will pull the ship upright, helped by the caissons, which will be filled with water
  3. When the ship is upright, caissons will also be fixed to the other side of the hull
  4. The caissons on both sides will then be emptied, after treating and purifying the water to protect the marine environment, and filled with air.

Once floated, the wreck will be towed to an Italian port and dealt with in accordance with the requirements of Italian authorities.

The plan was selected by an evaluation team with specialist representatives from Costa Crociere, Carnival Corporation & plc, London Offshore Consultants and Standard P&I Club, with the collaboration of RINA and Fincantieri, because it best fulfills the main objectives of the operation — removal of the wreck in one piece, minimal risk, minimal environmental impact, protection of Giglio’s economy and tourism industry, and maximum safety. (Marine Link, 5/18/2012)

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