Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Seth Oster Goes to KPMG

Seth Oster, EPA's Director of External Affairs, left EPA in December to take a top communications job at KPMG LLP, one of the world’s largest tax, audit and advisory firms.  According to Politico, “Oster will be moving to New York and starts his new gig in January.” Oster's automatic email states:  "I am no longer at the EPA. I am out of the office until 03/01/2012." So his official date must be March 1, 2012.

EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson wrote an all-staff note regarding Oster's departure, writing that “Seth has transformed the way EPA talks about our work protecting the environment and people’s health and I am deeply grateful for his service to the agency.” (Politico, 12/14/2011)

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