Tuesday, January 10, 2012

President Obama Visits EPA

President Obama joined EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson for an employee town hall to praise the agency's  work on protecting the environment and public health. This was his first visit to EPA, however early in his administration, First Lady Michele Obama visited the agency.  He expressed his support for Administrator Jackson and for the work of EPA.

Barack Obama is defending the work of the Environmental Protection Agency, saying it performs a vital role protecting the environment and moving the country toward energy independence. Obama spoke Tuesday during his visit to the EPA, seeking to boost morale at an agency that has been a target for Republicans.  Several GOP presidential candidates have questioned the science of global warming and said they'd overturn EPA regulations that harm the economy.

The president said that improving the environment and improving the economy shouldn't be contradictory goals, and he questioned those who say regulations are not needed. He said environmental regulations are responsible for cleaning up badly polluted sites, and he said the EPA should be commended for making vehicles more fuel efficient and promoting clean air and water. (Associated Press, 1/10/2012)

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