Friday, January 27, 2012

Ener1 Car Battery Company Files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

Ener1, an electric car battery company that the Obama administration awarded a $118 million stimulus grant to expand its operations, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Thursday after being unable to repay pressing debts.

Lithium Ion Batteries
Ener1 is the third company to seek bankruptcy protection among those the Energy Department backed as part of the president’s signature program to invest in clean energy. Solyndra, a California solar-panel maker, and Beacon Power, a Massachusetts energy-storage firm, entered bankruptcy court proceedings in the fall, after having received taxpayer-guaranteed loans of $535 million and $43 million, respectively.

In his State of the Union address Tuesday, President foreshadowed the bad news by saying that he remained proud of his administration’s $80 billion commitment to clean-energy projects and companies, despite periodic failures. The Ener1 grant, among $2.4 billion in federal awards to spur the electric car industry. (Wash Post, 1/26/2012)

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