Monday, January 02, 2012

Center Special Projects Chairman Builds Water Wells in Senegal

Doc Sloan Works Water Resources in Africa

Dr. Sloan started a fresh drinking water campaign in Senegal more than 20 years ago that has led to the location and construction of 158 wells in Africa. Doc worked to elevate the capabilities to include state-of-the-art, real time water quality monitoring with passive filtering techniques that can be utilized without the need for large power requirements, complicated maintenance or technical skills that are frequently not available in locations where the capability is needed most.

Dr. Sloan Inspects Fresh Water Well in Senegal

Dr. Sloan works with many organizations to help fund these programs. There are numerous studies on the topic, but it is generally accepted worldwide that the provision of clean, fresh drinking water to the general population could have profound and lasting benefits of good health by virtue of the significant reduction in the transmission of infectious disease.

Doc Sloan and his son Dr. Erik Sloan inspect fishing fleet in Africa
 as part of a Sustainable Resource Revenue opportunity for local communties

Dr. Sloan can provide further information about the programs and donations can be made directly to the Center for these critical efforts at  or contact us at , or by phone at the main office at 443-569-5102.


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