Thursday, January 19, 2012

Center Seeks Ownership of Nuclear Power Plant


By Norris McDonald

The Center was the first environmental organization in the United States to support nuclear power in 2000. The Center remains the only environmental organization in the United States that supports nuclear power.  We support nuclear power because it creates no greenhouse gases, produces no smog forming gases, spent fuel can be recycled and nuclear warheads can be converted to be used as fuel to produce emission free electricity in nuclear power plants.  In short, there is no contest when it comes to producing environmentally friendly baseload electrical power for millions of homes and businesses.

It is for these reasons that the Center is seeking an ownership stake in a nuclear power plant. We are seeking this ownership in the form of a donation of 1% of the value of a power plant.  Any nuclear company or utility can step forward and make this donation.  We believe the Center has earned this distinction and we look forward to becoming a partial owner of one of the 104 reactors currently operating in the USA. 

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