Friday, October 28, 2011

G77 Countries and COP17

The Group of 77 (G77 ) is a loose coalition of so-called "developing nations." Founded in 1964, it now comprises 131 members. There are fears that any chance of a new climate change mitigation deal in Durban will be undermined by the reluctance of rich countries to assist poorer nations to adapt to the demands of climate change. The Durban climate talks (COP17), which will bring together nearly 200 nations, is expected to produce, at a very minimum, a political declaration. Some still hope for a binding international treaty, though the ­likelihood is fast receding.

Considering the economic woes of many of the principal developed nations, some representatives of develping nations believe developed countries will do their best in Durban to dodge any existing commitments, because they now realise how hard it will be for them to meet their ­promised targets. Some critics believe the developed nations want to get rid of legally binding commitments and want new ones, which would allow them to continue their wasteful lifestyles. (Mail & Guardian, 10/28/2011) 

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