Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Developing a smarter electrical system involves investment in training programs to build the workforce we need to successfully design, implement and sell these technologies. The Energy Department funds Smart Grid Workforce Training programs across the country

The “Vids4Grids” video series, a project by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and funded by one of the Energy Department’s Smart Grid workforce development programs, takes a look at the range of new technologies in the electrical industry and gives great insight for those considering careers in engineering.

As you find out from watching the videos, smart grid technology – for example, smart meters, high voltage transmission lines, sensors and transformers – doesn’t just mean jobs for engineers. New smart grid technology is offering exciting career opportunities across engineering, communications, marketing and sales disciplines. There are a variety of components to our electrical grid – from generation to transmission to distribution to storage – and a primary focus of upgrading the grid is communication and making the nation’s electrical systems more “intelligent” to maximize efficiency and reliability.

Many of the companies featured in the series offer workforce training programs. Additionally, the Energy Department funds Smart Grid workforce development programs (shown above on the map) that are helping transition our workforce. Our grid hasn’t changed in nearly half a century – our workforce must similarly evolve to both enable this upgrade and support our infrastructure into the future.
Check out to learn more about modernizing our grid for the 21st century. (DOE)

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