Thursday, September 15, 2011

General Electric Selling Many More Natural Gas Turbines

General Electric Company has booked $1 billion in North American orders for its natural-gas-powered generators thus far this year. GE is benefiting from low natural-gas prices, stricter air-pollution regulations and a slowly recovering U.S. economy. Depending on government policy, depending on EPA regulations, it's going to be a growth market.

Advances in drilling technology have helped energy producers tap into natural-gas reserves in regions that until recently weren't considered economical for energy production. That new supply has created a glut of natural gas in the U.S. that has kept the natural gas price between $3 and $6 a million British thermal units (or per thousand cubic feet).  Demand for gas-powered generators is also being boosted by government efforts to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. (WSJ, 9/15/2011)

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